Male Factor Infertility Resources

This page is designed to give pertinent information to couples going through infertility related to male factor. I compiled these links and resources after my husband and I found out that his vasectomy reversal was unsuccessful. Our story appears towards the bottom of the page.

We wish you the best of luck in conceiving the child you've always dreamed of. . .surf on!

Information Resources

INCIID INCIID provides great information on any topic related to infertility; the message boards and chat rooms are *awesome*. This is a definite "first stop" for newbies to infertility.
RESOLVE RESOLVE is another excellent, can't miss site for information. A list of local support groups appears on this page as well.
Babycenter This site is very pregnancy oriented, but their preconception area has a lot of good information on infertility, too
Fertility Plus Information and resources for those trying to conceive Info on Male Infertility and various options
The Urology Channel Male Infertility: causes, treatment options, etc.
Male Infertility Article at WebMD A good article on Male Infertility.
Male Infertility (info on donor insem and other treatments)
Article on Male Infertility (great!) needs Adobe Acrobat Reader to open
What Men Should Know About Infertility Just for men, in plain English
Patient's Guide to Male Infertility
Directory of Infertility Clinics
Endocrinology in Male Infertility
Fertilitext Fertility Info on Broad Range of Subjects
Infertility Articles solid articles on major infertility issues
Sperm Banks
Cryogenic Laboratories AATB Certified; located in Minnesota
Cryogam AATB certified; located in Colorado
Fairfax Cryobank AATB certified; located in Virginia
California Cryobank AATB certified; located in California
ZyGen AATB certified; California; offer sex-selected sperm (boy or girl)
Northwest Andrology Pacific Northwest; member of AATB
Pacific Reproductive Systems California; high percentage of "willing to be known" donors; NATB Member
New England Cryogenic A sperm bank in New England that is not AATB certified (is CLIA certified), but does complete many of the same tests as AATB certified banks.
The Sperm Bank of California non-profit sperm bank, licensed by the state of CA.
Cryos An international sperm bank in Denmark, which offers donor sperm and other sperm-related products.
Idant AATB Accredited New York.
Support Group Links
Another non-cyber resource:
Alliance for Donor Insemination Families, 9678 E. Arapahoe Rd. #143, Engiewood, CO 80112-3703. E-mail: Telephone: 303-220-8400.
INCIID Interactive After you join INCIID (it's free and anonymous) you can participate in their vigorously used bulletin boards, chats, and other great resources; a true infertility community
Parenthood Via Sperm Donation ListServ An online support group of partners who decide on sperm donor insemination
I-Village Message Boards A variety of message boards, including one on donor issues.
The Labor of Love Message Boards, Pre-conception Journals (including infertility journals and IVF journals), and Pregnancy Journals and information.
Child of My Dreams Online community for people involved in infertility
Fertile Thoughts Infertility Forums Electronic Bulletin Boards to share information
FIRL: Resources for Infertility Guide to support and resources
Hannah's Prayer Christian Support Group for Infertile Couples
Ovulation Predictor Kits and Other Helpful Stuff
Cue Fertility Monitor Monitors electrolytes in saliva; claims 98% reliability
ClearPlan Easy Fertility Monitor Electronic monitor that tests LH in urine
Fertility Drugs: make an educated choice Mayo Clinic; Discusses common fertility drugs
Ovulation Predictor Kit FAQ's Answers your questions about ovulation prediction
Poet's Pharmacy info on fertility drugs and other ovulatory info, plus products, etc.
IUI FAQ's info on Intra-uterine Insemination.
IUI vs. ICI with Donor Sperm info on Intra-cervical vs. Intra-uterine Insemination.
In Vitro Fertilization (with pictures)
Our Story

Before my husband and I got married, he underwent a vasectomy reversal so that we could have children. He had three little girls from a previous marriage, but was more than willing to have more children with me. (or so I thought--see below)

We went to the Mayo Clinic and had the vasectomy reversal done. It cost $5,000 cash up front, plus $250 for the hospital room. My husband followed the doctor's every order regarding moving around, ice packs, etc. The doctor was beaming after surgery, telling us how successful he thought the operation was. We had no reason to doubt that we would be conceiving within the year.

Except the operation didn't work.

When we finally realized that my husband had a zero sperm count, we decided that we had several options:

1. My husband could undergo another reversal (he vetoed this idea)

2. We could try to scrape together the $20,000 it would cost to try IVF with ICSI (no chance of that happening)

3. We could try donor sperm intra-uterine insemination. (BINGO!)

I have no history of any fertility problems that I know of, so we thought that #3 would be our best choice. My husband and I are now searching for the best donor/sperm bank we can find, and hope to begin our IUI's in March of 2000.

UPDATE 1: April 2001
We began our IUI's in March of 2000, using a donor from ZyGen sperm bank (see above). That IUI didn't take, so we tried again in April, with a donor from Cryogenic Labs (see above). This one worked! Our baby was born on January 2, 2001. Here's a photo:

UPDATE 2: April 2004
Before I share what has happened in the past three years, I would like to say that my story is far from typical.

By the time my son was a year old, my husband had decided to "pursue other options" and end the marriage. He'd done the same thing before, with his first wife, after every baby was born, so I don't think the fact that we used a donor was a factor in his decision to leave--it was more related to the fact that he wasn't the center of attention anymore. However, I do think that the non-biological connection to our child is the reason that my ex has not seen my son for any length of time since my son was 18 months old (he is now 3 years old). The lesson that I think can be gained from my experience is that it's important to go to counseling when you decide to pursue this route to have a child. Perhaps, if I'd done that, I would have seen that my husband didn't really want a child around to "steal his thunder"; or maybe I would have found out that my husband wasn't going to consider our child "really his".

This story really does have a happy ending, though. I have to say that since my marriage ended, I have entered into the happiest portion of my life so far. I have a wonderful, sweet little boy, a good job, good benefits, and supportive family and friends. I love being a single mom, and I wish now that I had gotten the divorce first and just had my baby on my own. If things work out, I may have another just that way. He's been asking for a sister... : )

Update 3: June 2005 What a lot of changes a year can bring! I'm married to a great guy who has two kids of his own, and now we are expecting TWINS. I have also found one of my son's half-siblings using, which has been a lot of fun. The boys are very close in age and similar in temperament and personality (100% extroverts!), and we try to get them together regularly. We will tell them about their relationship when they are older and can understand it better. My son is growing into a bright, healthy, wonderful little guy who is now part of a much bigger family--and we both couldn't be happier.

If you're interested in pursuing donor insemination and want to e-mail me, feel free.

Infertility Bookstore, sponsored by

Click on the book to be taken to Barnes and Noble's Online Bookstore; most titles are at least 20% off.

Wanting a Child (true stories by writers who went through infertility treatment) Jill Bialosky (Editor) Helen Schulman (Editor)

Resolving Infertility: Understanding the Options and Choosing Solutions when You Want to Have a Baby, by Resolve and Diane Aronson

The Unofficial Guide to Overcoming Infertility, by Joan Liebmann-Smith,John J. Stangel,Jacqueline Nardi Egan

How to Get Pregnant with the New Technology by Dr. Sherman J. Silber

The Gift of a Child: A Guide to Donor Insemination by Robert Snowden and Elizabeth Snowden

Let Me Explain: A Story about Donor Insemination (a children's book) by Jane T. Schnitter Joanne Bowring (Illustrator)

Helping the Stork: The Choices and Challenges of Donor Insemination, by Carol Frost Vercollone,Robert Moss and Heidi Moss

Having Your Baby by Donor Insemination: A Complete Resource Guide by Elizabeth Noble Foreword by George J. Annas

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