For this module, you will write a short essay. Your essay will answer the following two questions. Be sure your answers
are written in complete sentences, and that your answers are developed and organized (see grading rubric below):
Identify your learning styles. Are you a more independent or dependent learner? Are you a more competitive or collaborative
learner? Are you a more participatory or avoidant learner? Include your scores.
- Read over the pages on this
site that relate to each learning style combination, and review the PowerPoint presentations on the learning styles,if necessary.
Then, in your essay, outline your plan for maximizing your learning style strengths in relation to online classes, and what
strategies you will use to overcome issues associated with your learning style(s) in an online environment.
e-mail will be graded on the following:
20 points = Identifying your learning styles, according to the question above.
50 points = Outlining specific strategies that will maximize your learning in the class.
30 points = Writing
and proper formatting, based on the information given in your textbook on composition of e-mail.
